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Audio Books

Now Available in Audio Narrated by David Pickering

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The Chronicles of the Manaar, as brought to life by David Pickering. David’s reading has brought extra depth to L.R. Maley’s writing. Don’t miss it!

The Chronicles of the Manaar: Immersion

Audio Book COver with narrator 2400 x 2400.jpg

To purchase the Audio Book version of Chronicles of the Manaar: Immersion, 

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The Chronicles of the Manaar: REDEMPTION


To purchase the Audio Book version of Chronicles of the Manaar: Redemption

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The Chronicles of the Manaar: The Second Reaping

Audio Book Cover The Second Reaping.jpg

Note: This audio book only contains the First Chronicle out of three from the book, Immersion.


To purchase the Audio Book version of Chronicles of the Manaar: The Second Reaping, 

Please select the button below:

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